3月22日讯 本日晚上,此前确诊为新冠肺炎的鲁能外助费莱尼在小我社交媒体上向"民众,"走漏,他表示自己已经确诊并在中国的病院吸收治疗,同时谢谢了球迷们的关心
Marouane Fellaini:
Dear friends, I have been tested for coronavirus and my test result is positive. Thanks to the fans, medical staff and the club for their care and attention. I will follow the treatment and hope to return to the game as soon as possible. Please everyone stay safe.(同伙们,我已经做过了核酸测试而且其呈阳性;谢谢球迷们、医护职员和俱乐部对我的悉心照料,我会好好吸收治疗并且尽早回归赛场